How nice of you to stop by!

My name is Annika, I am 38 years old, married, and together we have a son and a daughter. When I was pregnant with our second child and found out we were having a girl, I couldn’t wait to see her and complete her outfits with beautiful headbands and hair clips. I wanted matching accessories to go with the clothes we had picked out, but unfortunately, I couldn't always find them.

When our daughter Lana was born, I started making matching hair clips and headbands myself. And I absolutely love doing this! Friends around me were also having girls, and it didn't take long to create a unique, handmade gift for them. I get so much joy from putting together beautiful, matching combinations that I would love to do this for you as well!

How did the name Lana’s Hairdoodles come about?

The arrival of our daughter Lana inspired me to start this. I made hairdoodles for her, and she was (and still is) my own private little model.

Are you still looking for a fun, unique, and handmade hairdoodle?

Then take a quick look at the shop! I’ll make your order with lots of love!